Inspired to Make an IMpact
We believe that our corporate responsibility extends beyond the projects we work on; we strive to leave a lasting positive impact on our community at large.
As an organization and as individuals, we value integrity, community, diversity, and philanthropy. This philosophy is built into our DNA and permeates our organization. We strive to live these values and effect positive change in the communities where we work and live.
Design with Purpose
Our design philosophy is firmly based on realizing our end-users’ needs. The planning and design of our clients’ new workplace will directly affect the performance of their people and their business. Our design process evolves organically from research and visioning sessions and our primary goal is to create a space that will result in our clients and their employees being happier, healthier, and more productive.
Real estate efficiency and effectiveness are certainly important but ideally should not drive the space. Ultimately, space solutions are meaningless without addressing the needs of the people who will occupy the space. We don’t have preconceived notions of aesthetics and work styles. Rather, we take the time to listen to and understand our clients and to challenge them with new ideas and thought processes. We ask how they move around space, how they interact with one another, and what tools they need to drive innovation, inspiration, and creativity.
Design for Wellness
As an organization, we believe sustainable design that supports human wellbeing should be an intrinsic value of all projects. We are committed to building high-quality indoor environments that stand the test of time and seamlessly unite design and health.
For us, designing for wellness is a holistic approach that considers environmentally responsible design that enhances both the physical and mental wellbeing of end-users. We apply smart decisions regarding space planning, detailing, and material and furniture specification, along with strategies such as biophilic design, to generate spaces that can improve our client’s productivity, comfort, and wellbeing.
Below is a list of the organizations with which we are involved: